FG+SG fotografia de arquitectura | architectural photography

The Book | Photography by Fernando Guerra

Mimesis Art Museum 2005-2013

The construction of the Mimesis Art Museum, designed by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza, was completed in 2009. It was built to function first and foremost as an art museum. Therefore, the museum is lit by natural light rather than electric lights to make people focus more intently on the artwork. This beautiful architectural achievement is located in Paju Book City near Seoul, a new town dedicated to 21st Century publishing and architecture.

The building was built jointly by Álvaro Siza, Carlos Castanheira and Korean architect Kim June-song. With three floors, a basement and a total area of more than 3,600 square meters, the Mimesis Art Museum offers an expansive exhibition space as well as administrative and office areas on the mezzanine. On the inside, white and wooded surfaces are lit by indirect, natural lighting. On the outside, light grey, exposed cast concrete emphasizes the feline curves and sharp angles of the building.
The beauty and purity of its design and its cultural function make it an outstanding landmark among the many fine pieces of contemporary architecture that populate Paju Book City.

Paperback / 635 pags
ISBN: 9788990641977
Open Books

MARU | Photography by Fernando Guerra | su:mvie

CONSTRUCTING: On the Work of Álvaro Siza

Acabado de chegar da Coreia do Sul, o novo livro que fizemos com Álvaro Siza. Durante os últimos 8 anos, Fernando Guerra já fotografou para mais de quinze livros sobre o seu trabalho. Esta última obra documenta com textos de vários autores, desenhos e fotografias, o longo processo de desenho e construção, do centro de R&D da Amore Pacific em Seoul.

Just arrived from South Korea, the new book we did with Alvaro Siza. During the last eight years, Fernando Guerra has photographed for over fifteen books on his work. This last one documents with texts by various authors, drawings and photographs the long process of design and construction of the center of R&D Amore Pacific in Seoul.

Hard cover / 341 pags
Editor: su:mvie

Philip Jodio | Photography by Fernando Guerra & Duccio Malagamba | TASCHEN

ÁLVARO SIZA: Complete Works 1952-2013

A TASCHEN lançou a compilação dos trabalhos de Álvaro Siza. Depois de há uns anos termos colaborado com a Phaidon, numa edição similar. Esta monografia com projetos e imagens novas, realizada em colaboração com o próprio Álvaro Siza, resulta num catálogo das suas obras até à data. De 1952 a 2013, é possível revisitar projectos marcantes como a casa na Coreia do Sul ou a Fundação Iberê Camargo no Brasil.

TASCHEN released the compilation of the work of Álvaro Siza. A few years after we had collaborated with Phaidon in a similar issue. This monograph with new projects and pictures held in collaboration with Alvaro Siza himself, resulting in a catalog of his works to date. From 1952 to 2013, it is possible to revisit notable projects as the House in South Korea or Iber Camargo Foundation in Brazil.

Hard cover / 499 pags
Editor: Taschen

MSUV – Museum Savremene Umetnosti Vojvodine

16 January – 8 February 2013 – Galerija Meandar
MSUV – Museum Savremene Umetnosti Vojvodine – Serbia

Artists: Ivana Stojanović (Srbija), Daniel Kariko (SAD), Fernando Guerra (Portugal)

The exhibition displays, side by side, three specific photographic studies in which architecture is directly or indirectly present as a theme, as a reflection of certain social phenomena. The photo series touched several topics concerning the relationship of architecture and photography: from curatorial questions about what kind of dialogue can exist between these two creative disciplines, to think about all situations where architecture recognize the problems of culture, economics and environment.

Fernando Guerra exhibit in New York

Aircraft Carrier surveys the period between two crises of capitalism, 1973 and 2008, to understand the radical change in Israeli architecture. The eventful year of 1973 marks a watershed in the workings of global capitalism, in the American strategic interest in the Middle East, and in Israel’s social, economic and political structures. Together, these elements, shaped by territorial struggles and energy crises, dramatically transformed Israeli architecture. The exhibition deals with this transformative period and with the American influences through which its innovations, and tragedies, were enabled.

The exhibition is accompanied by a book, published by German publisher Hatje Cantz and edited by the curators, which contextualizes the phenomena in larger transformative processes. The book include Texts by Milton Friedman, Justin Fowler, and Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen and Visual works by participating artists and by Baltimore-based graphic designers Post Typography.

more info
ehxibition book


Archaeological Museum of Praça Nova Do Castelo de São Jorge by João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Portugal

Fernando Guerra foi convidado a criar um artigo mensal na Wallpaper* online, no qual escolhe os projetos que fotografou do ar durante cada mês. A editora da revista Ellie Stathaki fez a apresentação da colaboração, agora publicada no site da Wallpaper*:

Architecture from the Air: Part I
By Fernando Guerra

For most of us, architecture is predominantly experienced from the ground, but there is something about the aerial view that fascinates. More often than not, it remains the privilege of high-rise living or part of the fun of flying, but it also reveals a rare way of experiencing design and one that shows architecture within its surroundings from a unique angle; be it a single building, a complex or a landscape.

To bring you a new, elevated perspective, we’ve teamed up with portuguese photographer Fernando Guerra. He and his team have been experimenting with cameras attached to a lightweight, flying drone. For part one of a new series, we show you a selection of new and recent architecture projects in Portugal and beyond – all seen from air. Check back soon for the next instalment.

more on wallpaper.com

Finalist projects photographed by Fernando Guerra

We proudly announce the Archdaily Building of the Year Awards. 7 of the 30 finalists this year are projects from our clients photographed by Fernando Guerra, which is a big pleasure for us, achieving our goal of spreading architecture worlwide. This award recognizes architects whose work has most impressed the community of ArchDaily readers over 2700 projects.

Castelo Novo
Vote here

Luís Rebelo de Andrade & Diogo Aguiar
Pedras Salgadas Eco-Resort
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Luís Rebelo de Andrade / Tiago Rebelo de Andrade / Manuel Cachão Tojal
House in Travessa de Patrocinio
Vote here

3ndy Studio
Corten Apartments
Vote here

ch+qs arquitectos
Cinema Center in Matadero de Legazpi
Vote here

João Tiago Aguiar
Apartment RF
Vote here

Exit Architects

Rehabilitation of Former Prison of Palencia as Cultural Civic​ Center
Vote here


An Insightful Interview With Fernando Guerra

Fernando Guerra has been behind a camera since he was 16 years old. His life has taken him on a considerable journey to document the most pivotal architecture of our generation. You might not know it, but you know his work. If you have seen the architecture of Álvaro Siza, Isay Weinfeld, Arthur Casas, or Zaha Hadid, then you have seen the photographs of Guerra. After working with Guerra for the past two years, publishing an array of his photographs on KNSTRCT, we thought it was time to hear the voice of such a monumental figure in the world of architecture.

Guerra is a humble man, passionate, talented and if you ask his brother, he’s a workaholic. Together, Fernando and his brother Sérgio, formed Ulitmas Reportagens, an image bank full of Fernando’s high quality photographs back in 2004. Fernando says Ultimas Reportagens “started based on this idea of sharing and today has become a mandatory stopping point for any architect to pass through. It will be online forever. These works will never cease being available online. And in 20 or 30 years, the children I photographed in a house will be able to see themselves in their parents’ house, when the house was new. It ends up almost being a time capsule.”

read interview

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recent work by Fernando Guerra

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1. last 2. latest, most recent; Latest is the superlative of late. adj You use latest to describe something that is the most recent thing of its kind. 3 adj You can use latest to describe something that is very new and modern and is better than older things of a similar kind.