FG+SG fotografia de arquitectura | architectural photography

20 projectos fotografados por Fernando Guerra

Habitar Portugal 12-14
20 dos 80 projectos foram fotografados por Fernando Guerra

De 18 de Fevereiro a 25 de Abril está patente na Galeria Municipal do Porto a exposição inaugural do projecto “Habitar Portugal 12-14”, uma co-produção da Ordem dos Arquitectos e Câmara Municipal do Porto, com as empresas CINCA e MAPEI

A quinta edição inclui uma selecção de obras representativa da sua diversidade, especificidade e qualidade. Está a arquitectura sob resgate? É o tema orientador da selecção. A equipa comissária (Luís Tavares Pereira, Bruno Baldaia, Magda Seifert) procurou indagar os impactos e as influências do contexto social e cultural que o país atravessa na produção de arquitectura. Austeridade, escassez, desemprego, emigração, diminuição do poder de compra, crise do mercado imobiliário: “são tópicos que não conseguimos dissociar de uma reflexão profunda que incide sobre as condições da construção e da arquitectura nos anos 2012, 2013 e 2014” afirmam os comissários.

O projecto tem um núcleo central permanente, com 80 obras expostas de forma sintética, e conteúdos originais concebidos pelos comissários. Poderão também ser vistos registos vídeo originais sobre as obras em foco em cada etapa.

Foram anunciados os vencedores do Prémio ArchDaily Building of the Year de 2016 e dentro das 14 categorias premiadas, 3 projectos portugueses foram escolhidos por mais de 55.000 leitores entre 3.000 projectos publicados durante todo o ano de 2015.

Entre os 7 finalistas portugueses, 6 projectos foram seleccionados através da reportagem fotográfica de Fernando Guerra, sendo o único fotógrafo com 3 projectos vencedores em distintas categorias:

Arquitectura Pública:
Cozinha comunitária Terras da Costa
ateliermob + Colectivo Warehouse

Arquitectura de Lazer & Serviços:
Cella Bar / FCC Arquitectura + Paulo Lobo

Casa em Guimarães / Elisabete de Oliveira Saldanha


It was announced the winners of the Prize ArchDaily Building of the Year 2016 and in the 14 award categories, three Portuguese projects were chosen by more than 55.000 readers among 3.000 projects published throughout 2015.

Among the seven Portuguese finalists, six projects were selected from photographic reports of Fernando Guerra, the only photographer with three winning projects in different categories:

Public Architecture:
Community Kitchen of Terras da Costa
ateliermob + Colectivo Warehouse

Hospitality Architecture:
Cella Bar / FCC Arquitectura + Paulo Lobo

House in Guimarães / Elisabete de Oliveira Saldanha

Vencedores do Prémio ArchDaily Building of the Year 2015

Partilhar o que fazemos – o trabalho dos nossos clientes, faz parte do nosso DNA. Começámos a fazê-lo numa época em que os únicos suportes de comunicação eram livros e revistas. Mas o mundo mudou, e se estamos felizes com os vencedores deste ano, estamos também muito orgulhosos dos vencedores do ano passado… e do ano anterior…

Sharing what we do – our clients work, is part of our DNA. We started doing that when the only outlet for images were books and magazines. But the world has changed, and if we are happy with this year winners, we are also very proud of the ones from last year… And the year before…

Featuring 6 images by Fernando Guerra including the winning image of 2015


Apresenta 4 fotografias de Fernando Guerra
incluindo a fotografia vencedora de 2015

Até 25 de Março de 2016
Sto Werkstatt
7-9 Woodbridge St, Gt London EC1R 0LL GB

Quarta – Sexta, 10 – 16h

A exposição mostra todos os nomeados e as imagens vencedoras do Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2015, apresentando alguns dos mais renomeados fotógrafos de arquitectura, incluíndo o grande vencedor Fernando Guerra.

A exposição está dividida em quatro categorias que exploram diferentes qualidades arquitectónicas e diversas abordagens e metodologias. As categorias Building in use, Exteriors, Interiors and Sense of place demonstram um amplo espectro de estilos e abordagens fotográficas bem como uma excepcional diversificação de formas arquitectónicas.

Pelo terceiro ano, a Sto Werkstatt em parceria com a Arcaid Images apresenta “Building Images”, desenvolvendo uma plataforma que explora e celebra as qualidades dos fotógrafos de arquitectura, encorajando o debate sobre a disciplina entre fotógrafos, arquitectos e entusiastas.



Featuring 4 images by Fernando Guerra
including the winning image of 2015

Until March 25th, 2016
Sto Werkstatt
7-9 Woodbridge St, Gt London EC1R 0LL GB

Opening Times:
Wednesday – Friday, 10 AM – 4 PM

The exhibition showcases all the shortlisted, and winning images from The Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2015, and features some of the world’s most renowned architectural photographers including overall winner Fernando Guerra as well as short listed entrants.

The exhibition is divided into four categories that explore different architectural qualities and a diverse technical approach and methodology. The categories Building in use, Exteriors, Interiors and Sense of place demonstrate a broad range of photographic styles and approaches to the medium as well as featuring a diverse set of outstanding architectural forms.

This is the third year, Sto Werkstatt in partnership with Arcaid Images has presented Building Images and we are proud to continually create this platform to explore and celebrate the skills of architectural photographers, and to encourage debate around the discipline among photographers, architects and enthusiasts alike.

Imagens da cerimónia de entrega dos prémios e da exposição:
Arcaid awards exhibition and ceremony photographs:

Fernando Guerra vence o Prémio Fotógrafo “Obra del Año 2015”

Award and letter from David Basulto – Founder / CEO & Editor in Chief of Plataforma Arquitectura and Archdaily
Rodrigo Duque Motta, Rafael Hevia, Gabriela Manzi Faculdade UDP | Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile

Um mês depois de ter ganho a mais importante distinção na fotografia de arquitectura, o prémio Arcaid, Fernando Guerra foi o vencedor da primeira edição do grande prémio de fotografia do site Plataforma Arquitectura com o seu trabalho fotográfico sobre a obra do ano 2015: A Faculdade de Economia e Negócios da Universidade Diego Portales, em Santiago do Chile, projecto eleito pelos leitores do site Plataforma Arquitectura, entre mais de 1000 projectos na América do Sul. O prémio foi entregue em cerimónia realizada no dia 26 de novembro de 2015 na referida Faculdade.

One month after winning the most important architectural photography award, the Arcaid award, Fernando Guerra has won the grand prize for photography on the Plataforma Arquitectura website with his 2015 photos of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Diego Portales in Santiago, Chile. This project was chosen from among more than 1,000 others in South America with voting carried out by readers of the website. The award was presented at a ceremony held on November 26, 2015 in the winning building itself.

Successful photographers explain how and why they took a photograph

Fernando was featured on a new book were experienced and successful photographers, like Art Wolf, Ron Haviv, Frans Lanting among many others, talk about their images; how and why they chose to make them, what motivates their photography, and the background behind the image.

Image and photographic details are provided for each shot. Discover how successful and award-winning photographers create their images. Gain inspiration from their photographs. Read their advice.

Soft cover – 160 pages
ISBN 978-1-871611-87-8


The winner of the 2015 ARCAID IMAGES ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD was announced at The World Architecture Festival. The overall winner of the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Award in association with Sto and supported by World Architecture Festival is – FERNANDO GUERRA

Fernando Guerra’s stunning image of Richter Dahl Rocha & Associés’ EPFL Quartier Nord in Ecublens, Switzerland, has won the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Award. Announced at the ongoing World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Singapore, the image was selected by a panel of judges for its ability to “translate the sophistication of architecture into a readable and understandable two dimensions”.

Arcaid has shortlisted 20 of the year’s best architectural images for their 2015 awards – the annual Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards. The images will be presented in four categories – Exteriors, Interiors, Sense of Place, and Building in Use – and judged by an esteemed panel on their atmospheric quality, composition, use of scale and more.


4 of the 20 best photograhies were from Fernando Guerra, who is the overall winner of 2015

Arcaid has shortlisted 20 of the year’s best architectural images for their 2015 awards – The annual Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards. The images were presented in four categories – Exteriors, Interiors, Sense of Place, and Building in Use – and judged by an esteemed panel on their atmospheric quality, composition, use of scale and more.

“The architecture itself is the focus and the image regarded only as the medium. The Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Award aims to put the focus onto the skill and creativity of the photographer,” said the Award’s organizers. Each shortlisted image was judged on the merits of the photography for composition, sense of place, atmosphere and use of scale; Guerra had the highest scoring image overall.

“The high level of photography has made it a very difficult the task to choose the winners. The most important thing for us has been the concept and atmosphere of the images. How they have been perceived and expressed through the creativity and inspiration of the photographer,” said architects and jury members Fabrizio Barozzi and Alberto Veiga.


The winner was announced at the gala dinner of the World Architecture Festival in Singapore

And presented by Paul Finch of WAF to Lynne Bryant of Arcaid and David Tyndall, Managing Director of StoSEA. Our international panel of judges for this years prize was: Fabrizio Barozzi and Alberto Veiga, Architects (Barcelona); Amy Croft, Curator, Sto Werkstatt (London); Katy Harris, Head of Communications, Foster + Partners (London); Nick Hufton and Allan Crow, Photography (London); Ian Moore, Architect (Sydney); Clifford Pearson, Deputy Editor, Architectural Record (New York); and Christine Murray, Editor, Architectural Review (London).

Gala of the World Architecture Festival Singapore

Últimas reportagens

recent work by Fernando Guerra

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