House at Janelas Verdes / Pedro Domingos
The project consist in the reconstruction of building of XIX century, inserted in the Lapa/Prazeres district.
Restaurant 560 / João Tiago Aguiar
The restaurant is placed on the ground-floor of an old building in Bairro Alto, Lisbon’s city centre.
BAR “Ar de Rio” / Guedes de Campos
The new pavillion is pretty much about skin becoming structure. It’s essentially a steel frame defined by a transparent honeycomb structure.
Carlos Castanheira | Photography by Fernando Guerra | Phaidon
This new volume highlights over 20 new projects. Each project in the book is explained in-depth with texts by author Carlos Castanheira, Nuno Higino and Álvaro Siza himself, and shown through photographs by Fernando Guerra, complete sets of drawings, and a wealth of Siza’s sketches.
“Obras Recentes” texto de Carlos Castanheira Introdução ao novo livro
“Álvaro Siza acabou de completar setenta e cinco anos de vida e cinquenta e quatro de actividade profissional como arquitecto.
O interesse pela realização ou construção arquitectónca começou muito cedo, por volta dos quinze anos, com o projecto e construção de um anexo no quintal da casa dos pais que serviu como laboratório e espaço de estudo dos irmãos. O pavilhão, como a família lhe chamava e chama, ainda existe e em breve será restaurado.
Seguiu-se posteriormente a reestruturação da cozinha da Casa da Avó, um portão para um tio, um quarto de banho para uma amiga da família, quatro casas geminadas, os estudos de arquitectura na Escola de Belas Artes, o contacto com o mestre Carlos Ramos, as viagens ao estrangeiro em especial a visita de estudo à Finlândia e o trabalho e amizade com Fernando Távora.” (mais)
“Recent Works” text by Carlos Castanheira | Intro on the new book
“Álvaro Siza has now reached seventy five years of age and has completed fifty four years of professional activity.His interest in building, or architectural construction, manifested itself early, when at about fifteen years of age, he designed and built a shed in the garden of his parent’s home which served as workshop and study space for his brothers. The pavilion, as the family calls it, still exists and is soon to be restored.
Next came the remodelling of the kitchen in his grandmother’s house, then a gateway for an uncle, a bathroom for a family friend, four semi-detached houses, studying architecture at the School of Fine Art, contact with the master Carlos Ramos, travels abroad, in particular to Finland and the work and friendship with Fernando Távora.” (more)
Copyright Carlos Castanheira & Phaidon Press | 2009
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recent work by Fernando Guerra
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Últimas Collins dictionary
1. last 2. latest, most recent; Latest is the superlative of late. adj You use latest to describe something that is the most recent thing of its kind. 3 adj You can use latest to describe something that is very new and modern and is better than older things of a similar kind.
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