Prémios Valmor 2017
Quatro projectos distinguidos no prémio Valmor de 2017 fotografados por Fernando Guerra Quatro projectos distinguidos no prémio Valmor de 2017 fotografados por Fernando Guerra O edifício da sede da EDP, do atelier Aires Mateus, e o novo Terminal de Cruzeiros de Lisboa, de João Luís Carrilho da Graça Arquitectos, projectos fotografados por Fernando Guerra, são […]
Curadoria Paula Bohrer A TUA PRESENÇA Curadoria Paula Bohrer Abertura da exposição: 11.04 18.30h Modoo Galeria Bordini 332
Verde Prato
Urban experiments between ecology and reuse VERDE PRATO. URBAN EXPERIMENTS BETWEEN ECOLOGY AND REUSE. Exhibition curated by Elisa Cristiana Cattaneo and Emilia Giorgi 19 March to 11 April, 2019 Opening: Tuesday 19 March, 6.00 pm Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy Fernando Guerra (Lisboa, 1970) has been a pioneer in the way architecture […]
The Flying Photographer
Documentary about Fernando Guerra “The Flying Photographer” from Building Pictures a Building Pictures directed by Sara Nunes cinematograher: Sara Nunes montage and edition: Sara Nunes e Maria Gonçalves color grading: Fernando Machado soundesign: Ana Pedro soundtrack: Bruno Pinto Ferreira (+ Sara Nunes) subtitles: Eva Magro (+ Sara Nunes) motion graphics: Jua Braga
Music of the Documentary “The Flying Photographer”
Documentary about Fernando Guerra Music of the Documentary “The Flying Photographer” about Fernando Guerra Soundtrack: Bruno Ferreira (+ Sara Nunes)
Latest exhibitions
Focos de Paixão: Fernando Guerra e Porsche / Lands/Læns: i paesaggi di Fernando Guerra FOCOS DE PAIXÃO: Fernando Guerra e Porsche A Porsche sob o olhar de um dos maiores fotógrafos contemporâneos em Portugal 1 Dezembro – 3 Março 2019 Museu do Caramulo Fundação Abel e João de Lacerda — LANDS/LÆNS i paesaggi di Fernando […]
Almost Drone: Entrevista a Fernando Guerra
POP-SE BRASIL Almost Drone: Entrevista a Fernando Guerra.PDF Há cinco décadas, o fotógrafo norte-americano Eddie Adams, da Associated Press, registrou um chefe de polícia vietnamita no exato momento em que disparou a arma na cabeça de um vietcongue. A foto, “Execução em Saigon” (1968), virou um ícone contra a Guerra do Vietnã. Ao ganhar o […]
Fernando Guerra introducing the new EOS R camera
CANON EOS R Introducing the new EOS R Three decades ago, the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger was one of the biggest stories of the year. But that year also saw the fall of President Ferdinand Marcos, the passing by of Halley’s Comet, the crash of Aeromexico flight 498 above Los Angeles and, of […]
des Hommes . de la Matière . du Temps
ÁLVARO SIZA VIEIRA des Hommes . de la Matière . du Temps Álvaro Siza Vieira 13.04.18 – 13.05.18 Exposition à la Chapelle des Carmélites, Toulouse – France The Association “des Hommes, de la Matière et du Temps” is pleased to present its first exhibition dedicated to the work of the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza, in […]
LUBANGO CENTRE / PROMONTORIO FERNANDO GUERRA FG+SG LUBANGO CENTRE / PROMONTORIO ARCHITECTS FROM THE PUBLISHER: Issue #181 presents the visual narration by Fernando Guerra of an apartment block designed by Portuguese architectural office Promontorio in Lubango, Angola. Guerra narrates more than a piece of architecture. He explores the relations between the building and the urban […]