Time Out Israel

February 2012 Friday 15:30, Herbert Samuel Promenade, Tel Aviv “Fernando Guerra, one of the most celebrated names in architectural photography today, arrived to Tel Aviv in a good time. The unstable weather allowed him to take a great series of photos. Guerra was in Israel as part of the “Aircraft Carrier” – The Israeli Pavilion […]

Archdaily Building of the Year Awards

Projects in the finalists with FG+SG photos Aires Mateus House in Leiria Vote here Ricardo Bak Gordon Marmelo Mill Vote here Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena MUDE Museum Lisbon Vote here VAUMM Architects Basque Culinary Center Vote here Belém Lima Arquitectos Vila Velha Museum Vote here e|348 Arquitectura Santa Ana’s Chapel Vote here

Arquitectura Viva 140

Cover February 2012 Africa esencial Modernidad y tradición: un viaje por seis geografías El continente negro ha mudado al verde: en el corazón de las tinieblas se abre paso la esperanza, y tanto en las selvas y sabanas subsaharianas como en la primavera política de la costa mediterránea despuntan brotes verdes que nutren la confianza […]


Film by Fernando Guerra “We give fantastic concerts here…”


Latest 66 front covers While Fernando is on the road, our team in Lisbon is busy working with editors from all the leading magazines, to make sure that your work gets to the biggest audience possible. We selected some of the most beautiful covers that we made on the last months. 62 front covers, and […]


House in Korea by Álvaro Siza ÚLTIMAS EDIÇÕES House in Korea by Álvaro Siza


Perfumaria de casa Fernando Guerra fotografou a campanha de lançamento da nova linha de José António Tenente, Amor Perfeito | Perfumaria de casa. “As imagens traduzem o ambiente elegante e sofisticado deste aroma. Tranquilo mas intenso, sóbrio mas glamoroso, ousado e apaixonante. Este amor vive de emoções fortes, olhares compreendidos, diálogos que não precisam de […]