ARCHITECTURE FROM THE AIR BY FERNANDO GUERRA Archaeological Museum of Praça Nova Do Castelo de São Jorge by João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Portugal Fernando Guerra foi convidado a criar um artigo mensal na Wallpaper* online, no qual escolhe os projetos que fotografou do ar durante cada mês. A editora da revista Ellie Stathaki fez […]
Archdaily Building of the Year Awards
Finalist projects photographed by Fernando Guerra We proudly announce the Archdaily Building of the Year Awards. 7 of the 30 finalists this year are projects from our clients photographed by Fernando Guerra, which is a big pleasure for us, achieving our goal of spreading architecture worlwide. This award recognizes architects whose work has most impressed […]
The Man Behind The Camera Of Modern Architecture:
An Insightful Interview With Fernando Guerra Fernando Guerra has been behind a camera since he was 16 years old. His life has taken him on a considerable journey to document the most pivotal architecture of our generation. You might not know it, but you know his work. If you have seen the architecture of Álvaro […]
ZAHA HADID architects
Galaxy Soho | Beijing, China Galaxy Soho by Zaha Hadid architects Shoot by Fernando Guerra in Beijing last December “Galaxy Soho constitutes a new office, retail and entertainment complex for the heart of this great Chinese city – matching its grand scale. The complex comprises five continuous flowing volumes, set apart yet fused or linked […]
THE MISSING DIMENSION: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY A dimensão que faltava… FG+SG Fotografia aéreaDepois de mais de um ano a desenvolver e adaptar equipamento que nos permitisse explorar a dimensão que nos faltava, chegou o momento de anunciar o novo serviço da FG+SG de recolha de imagens aéreas. Uma forma complementar de ver a arquitetura na paisagem, […]
EXHIBITION FG+SG in Beijing, China
30.11.2012 | Artkey Gallery, 798 Art District Curated by Emanuel Barbosa Uma parcería entre a revista CASA INTERNATIONAL e a CASARTE Com a presença do Embaixador de Portugal na China, Tadeu Soares
Architectural Photography Awards 2012 Arcaid Images is the world’s premier source of high quality architectural imagery. World Architecture Festival is the world’s largest festival and live awards competition dedicated to celebrating, and sharing architectural excellence from across the globe. Now in its fifth year, the World Architecture Festival has welcomed over 8000 attendees to date. […]
CANON: Photographer’s path to profit
Big Shot 3: Fernando Guerra, Architectural Photographer
13th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura Out and about in Venice Fernando Guerra Being invited to be part of an event such as this in Venice on the recent history of a country such as Israel – a country I had never visited before nor had any connection to- was a very special opportunity. Not only […]
13th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura AIRES MATEUS Radix | Installation in the exteriors of the Arsenale ÁLVARO SIZA Percorso | Installation in the Giardino delle Vergini In the exteriors of the Arsenale is located the installation designed by portuguese office Aires Mateus, an elegant contemporary response to the architectural setting of the Biennale.The installation recognises […]