Architizer Award winner in the Architecture + Photography category 2016
Arcaid Images “Architectural Photographer of the Year 2015”
Plataforma Arquitetura Photography Prize “Obra del Año 2015 – Project of the year 2015”
BOOK EDITION three days in Biarritz
FG EDITION Bags & Camera straps
FG+SG BOOK EDITIONS Livros de imagem
FINE ART PRINTS Limited ditions
Portuguese Participation | 12th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
A 12ª Exposição Internacional de Arquitectura – La Biennale di Venezia – recebe uma representação de Portugal que demonstra o valor de excelência da arquitectura portuguesa contemporânea. Álvaro Siza Vieira, Manuel e Francisco Aires Mateus, João Luís Carrilho da Graça e Ricardo Bak Gordon foram os arquitectos escolhidos, através de quatro propostas construídas, quatro casas que representam quatro diferentes olhares e culturas arquitectónicas no horizonte de uma enorme vitalidade nos modos de pensar e fazer arquitectura. Fernando Guerra fotografou 3 dos 4 projectos presentes na Bienal.
The 12th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale de Venezia – receives a representation from Portugal which demonstrates the excellence of Portuguese contemporary architecture. Álvaro Siza Vieira, Manuel and Francisco Aires Mateus, João Luís Carrilho da Graça and Ricardo Bak Gordon were the architects chosen by means of four already built projects, four houses representing four different views and architectural cultures on a very dynamic horizon in the ways of thinking and doing architecture. Fernando Guerra have shoot 3 of the 4 projects represented in the Biennale.
Images from this house on our next ultimasreporatagens update
Sketches at dinner | Álvaro Siza
“… a culpa é do meu tio Quim que, sem saber desenhar, comprava-me lápis de cor, sentava-me ao seu colo, depois de jantar, e ensinava-me a desenhar cavalos.”
“the blame is my uncle Quim’s, who, without knowing how to draw bought me coloured pencils and sat me up on his lap after dinner and taught me how to draw horses.”
Pedestrian bridge over Ribeira da Carpinteira, Covilhã | João Luís Carrilho da Graça
Pedestrian bridge over Ribeira da Carpinteira, Covilhã, Portugal (2003 – 2009)
“The sinuous and segmented design of the bridge winds above de valley, along a distance of about 220 m. The central bay takes the perpendicularity to the line of the valley. The other two sections are inflected and oriented towards their anchoring points. The connection between the two points is no longer the shortest distance between them. The tensioned geometry of its layout interferes with visual orientation and with the perception of dominating heights of “Serra da Estrela”, on one side, and with the vastness of Cova da Beira on the lower side.”
Ur now on Google maps
Planear a sua visita é agora mais simples. Pode viajar pela maior biblioteca de arquitectura portuguesa contemporânea usando o Google maps com a marcação das principais obras públicas. UR no Google maps
Planning your study trip or simple sightseeing became easier than ever. You can now travel through the most comprehensive online library of contemporary Portuguese architecture using Google maps . UR at Google maps
Due to our privacy policy only public buildings and private works open to the public, are shown on the map.
Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum, Cascais | Aires Mateus
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Últimas Collins dictionary
1. last 2. latest, most recent; Latest is the superlative of late. adj You use latest to describe something that is the most recent thing of its kind. 3 adj You can use latest to describe something that is very new and modern and is better than older things of a similar kind.