Wallpaper* 120 | FG had two comissions for the March edition issue of Wallpaper* magazine
The Mimesis Art Museum for publishing company Open Books is Álvaro Siza lastest and greatest Korea move
arq|a Janeiro 2009
arq|a january 2009 A edição da revista portuguesa Arq/a de Janeiro, mostra em primeira mão o projecto da Igreja em Portalegre de João Luís Carrilho da Graça. Brevemente no últimasreportagens um portfolio completo, da obra recente deste arquitecto. The January edition of the Portuguese magazine Arq/a shows first-hand the church project in Portalegre by João […]
2G n.47 Paulo David
Novo número da revista 2G dedicada a Paulo David onde se apresentam os seus projectos mais conhecidos como o centro das artes Casa das Mudas, piscinas do Atlântico e o restaurante e passeio marítimo das Salinas. São mostrados também diversos projectos recentes como a reordenação da baia da Câmara de Lobos, as grutas de São […]
Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion “When we wrote our review of The Zaha’s furniture show last fall we got a press kit that included renderings …”
The coolhunter
Casa Monte na Comporta, Portugal “Casa Monte na Comporta in Grândola, Portugal…”
The coolhunter
Pedro Gadanho Home “Bold use of color has never frightened the 40-year-old, Lisbon-based architect Pedro Gadanho…”
House in Martinhal / ARX “This house is located in Sagres (Algarve), the furthest southwest location in Portugal….”
View Jan 2009 Issue #5
What’s New This Month “Fernando Guerra has sent us a constant stream of projects by Portugal’s Alvaro Siza in recent months…”
The coolhunter
Portugese Pavilion – Expo Zaragoza 08 “Held between June 14 and September 14, 2008, the International Exhibition Expo Zaragoza 2008 …”
Zaha Hadid Zaragoza Bridge Pavillion
BM Magazino Greece