Architizer Award winner in the Architecture + Photography category 2016
Arcaid Images “Architectural Photographer of the Year 2015”
Plataforma Arquitetura Photography Prize “Obra del Año 2015 – Project of the year 2015”

BOOK EDITION three days in Biarritz
FG EDITION Bags & Camera straps
FG+SG BOOK EDITIONS Livros de imagem
FINE ART PRINTS Limited ditions
3 guest editors: Márcio Kogan with photographs by Fernando Guerra
The October 2024 issue of Wallpaper* features three guest editors and three covers, and I had the honor of photographing one of them!
Creating a cover is always special, but doing one for Wallpaper* with Márcio Kogan is even more so. And I can also say, quite rare. In the past 25 years I’ve shot hundreds of covers, but this is only the second one for Wallpaper*.
This cover reflects on how Jean-Luc Godard’s viewfinder in his 1963 film Le Mépris shares the same proportions as the façade of Kogan’s Paraty House in Brazil, which I photographed at the end of last year. It was one of the greatest adventures I’ve embarked on. Literally, as you can only reach the house by boat. But that’s a story for another time.
In his guest editor section, Márcio opens up about a life-changing moment that led to his famously cinematic approach, exploring how his filmmaking idols influenced the architect he would eventually become.
The interior of the magazine is almost like a personal album showcasing the architecture of Studio MK27, which I’ve had the privilege to photograph and document for over ten years. When I was in São Paulo two months ago, I got to witness the whole process of selecting the images and the relationship between film and the studio’s works.
It’s more than just a beautiful magazine, it’s a study object for the future. Much like the Paraty House, built in 2009, which I’ve only recently had the chance to photograph.
But this edition of the magazine also brought a long article about CAM. The new extension of the Gulbenkian modern art museum in Lisbon.
Im sharing some of the pages here…
Serralves | October 2024
The extensive Archive of Fernando Guerra donated to Serralves includes more than 2,500 reports and 500,000 images, most of the work carried out in the last 25 years of activity by FG+SG Architectural Photography.
In addition to the importance of preserving the collection and what this protocol means in terms of recognition of the photographer’s work by the institution, the objective of this donation was also to allow and provide the study and dissemination of its content, through media, conferences, conversations, publications and exhibitions, both in Serralves as well as in other national and international institutions, thus guaranteeing access to a wider audience.
It is worth noting that the Fernando Guerra Archive deposited in Serralves will continue to be enriched annually with photographs of the upcoming photo sessions.
“About yesterday and the donation of my archive to Serralves foundation. Today, with a slow awakening, as if I had gone through a transformer moment in my life, I have few words to write about what I feel, besides a great need to express my deep gratitude to the @fundacao_serralves
I hope that the images I have delivered will be useful for future generations. I am grateful to my clients who have been by my side since the beginning and to the new ones for whom I have only just started photographing in recent days. It is gratifying to see that their works, without us having foreseen it, will become part of this enormous archive of architecture, being preserved and made available to students, journalists, enthusiasts, and anyone else who needs to study a particular period in the future, free of charge.
Knowing that, 50 years from now, someone will be able to access a work I completed this week gives meaning to what I’ve done and to what I will continue to do every day in the coming years. Yes, because stopping is not in my plans, but improving my photography certainly is.
New works will be added to those already delivered over the coming years.
I express my deep gratitude to Serralves for the invitation and also for seeing my work, my archive, alongside the archive of the great Álvaro Siza. Someone I’m close to, and will remain at least on these two archives connected forever. There are few words to express what this means, but a great happiness is, without a doubt, at the heart of it all.
There are truly things that cannot be planned. And it’s a good thing too; I believe it’s one of the pleasures we take from all of this: the good surprises.
I thank Serralves for this opportunity, for all the care throughout the process, and finally, for being one of the places where I have been happiest photographing.
Thank you.”
Fernando Guerra
October 19th, 2024
In October 2024, Fernando Guerra received the PIDA (Premio Internazionale Ischia di Architettura) Award, an International Prize for Architectural Dissemination.
This prestigious recognition highlights his significant contribution to architectural photography and his role in promoting architecture on a global scale.
Press Release:
We are proud to announce that the PIDA Fotografia will go to the Portuguese Fernando Guerra, one of the most famous architecture photographers in the world, to capture urban transformations with his shots, understanding the intensity of the processes and changes in progress.
A selection of his photographs will be exhibited in the monastery of San Francesco, in the former town hall of Forio, from October 3rd to 20th, with visiting hours from 5pm to 9pm.
“I am truly honored to receive the PIDA photography and lifetime achievement award on this magical island in southern Italy, Ischia. I have always felt a unique connection with this country, whether working on photographic projects or simply enjoying the wonderful places I’ve had the privilege to explore. Being recognized here, where I feel at home, holds special significance. It goes beyond being acknowledged as a photographer capturing the life of buildings, and speaks to the emotional essence behind my architectural work.
This week, Ischia hosts the International Architecture Prize, focusing on workshops and discussions on how our cities are adapting to challenges such as climate change and overtourism.”
Thank you, PIDA
Fernando Guerra
Navel Magazine
Double Exposure – Fernando Guerra, the man and the work
by Fabrícia Valente
Traveling through the 20 years of the architect-photographer Fernando Guerra’s career is to know and revisit images, perceive new approaches in the act of photographing architecture, get involved in narratives that bodies create in the spaces studied, discover peculiarities that his sharp gaze brings us. It is also understanding a path full of moments of solitude, of objects that tell stories of those who manage to talk to us at the airports where they stop, it is to know the man who creates this work and transports us through it. It is in this double unveiling that curator Andreia Garcia wants to show us, in this exhibition, a path full of assertiveness, but also full of subtleties. In a reading as if we were unveiling a remarkable archive through several layers of information, the story of Fernando Guerra and his photographs is presented to us in four moments, through flight cases designed by Diogo Aguiar Studio. What better object could store and reveal such a story than the one that ensures its portability? And so we started a journey. In the first Antechamber moment of the following story, we discover Fernando Guerra, the architect, heading to Macau and Fernando, who begins to create an impressive digital archive of images of Portuguese architecture and opens doors to an international journey. His first machines, still analogue; references to his childhood with his brother Sérgio, companion on land on this great journey; his passion for cars; the first names to believe his eyes. The idea of the viral image did not yet exist in the world beyond the covers of reference magazines, but its record already stood out in works such as Aires Mateus or Ricardo Bak Gordon. Efables happen in the second moment already in full international projection, the way he captures the world, but also how the world marks him, changing; travel objects; awakening from dreams; the fascination with the tropical. At a time when architecture in Portugal was going through a moment of crisis, the way in which it had been disseminated across borders based on his images, brought him many invitations from various corners of the world; featured images in many publications; an ambition that could be translated into symbols yet to be unveiled, like the astronaut gloves shown here. In the third suitcase, Common Place arrives, unveiling a little of what consolidates his dialogues with Álvaro Siza, a path of constant discovery of the master’s work, the loyalty of the lens that tells a story of friendship and complicity also on the road. It’s the box that Fernando Guerra says there’s no need to talk about, it contains all the words that need to be said. Time after is the last moment of the exhibition and tells us stories of gestures, of actions that mark a certain time in a certain space, the fleetingness of the moment in the eternalization of the image. People gaining more and more prominence, no longer giving just the scale, but the soul of the image. A look of intimacy and boldness in her shyness. What are you looking for in the world beyond your own origin? Fernando Guerra, who doesn’t like to appear, now comes to us in a way that he had not seen in any other of his exhibitions until then. The inability to not know how to switch off brings you the certainty of a way of life. 20 years of photographing architecture cannot just be translated into the photographs themselves. Here, the work trip is confused with the innocence of the boy who wants to gain the world, the passion for a new light in an unknown angle and the passion for the look of who is being photographed; the man who holds the camera and uses it for its functionality and the man who is fascinated by design. The possibility that its Ultimas Reportagens platform opens up for getting to know contemporary architecture leads us to exhaustive narratives about hundreds and hundreds of works, in an archive that deserves to be studied and that has become a dissemination space par excellence. Double exposure opens up the possibility of understanding what moves those who create such an archive, the hours, times and non-places of those who live in transit, but choose the right time, with the right light, between a contained pleasure and an obsessive professionalism noticing exactly the story it has to tell. In this exhibition, the value of the images counts, but also the value of the relationships that are at the base of each image. Images don’t always reveal how special a session was, traveler’s life isn’t always glamorous, it’s not always worth getting to know the man behind the lens, here he deserves it and the story is well told to us, in a tasty balance between what what must be revealed and the sharpening of curiosity for what is not to be revealed.
The exhibition can be visited at Roca Lisboa Gallery, until the 18th of January
Cristina Magazine
“Photography is once again celebrated in this edition through the work of Fernando Guerra, a renowned Portuguese photographer and architect who is a world reference.”
Residence at Polo da Ajuda © CVDB Arquitectos
“The new issue of ULisboa Magazine is now available in digital format. Contains an article on built heritage and in the process of building.”
“A university residence goes beyond the function of a dormitory. It is a home for all those who study tens, hundreds or thousands of kilometers from their residence of origin.”
1311 – CVDB with Rodolfo Reis + Joana Barrelas | University Residence Lisbon University, Ajuda – Lisbon, Pt
Architectural Photography: CANON EOS R System
Discover the unique features of the EOS R System with Canon ambassador Fernando Guerra and enter into the world of uninhabited architectural photography.
Discover the unique advantages of the EOS R System in the company of Canon Ambassador Fernando Guerra and enter the world of inhabited architecture photography.
Far from the camera, the terrain and the routine of more than 100 annual trips, architectural photographer Fernando Guerra continues to go to his office every day. It is from the offices of FG+SG that he takes advantage of the period of “forced break” to revisit his extensive photographic archive, which gathers around 20 years of work.
The images you share on your Instagram account, since March 17th, are tagged with the hashtag #stayathome and show people inhabiting the architectural spaces that Guerra photographed over the years. “When all this started, I decided to use my voice to encourage people to stay at home”, he explained to P3. “At this point, it’s not selling something that motivates me, so I’m not interested in showing work in an organized way, as I’ve been doing over the last few years.” He prefers, yes, “to be calm” and to place “loose” images that allude to the theme of quarantine or isolation.
For Fernando Guerra, these are strange days. “I never took a vacation”, reveals the photographer. “A month ago I was in the United States”, he recalls. “And shortly before the flights ended, I managed to return from Morocco, the last trip I took before the start of the state of emergency period.” Now, the architectural photographer is looking forward to having freedom of movement again to add more projects to the list of 2500 that he has already portrayed throughout his career. “For now, I’ll have to content myself with traveling through my archive.”
Últimas reportagens
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Últimas Collins dictionary
1. last 2. latest, most recent; Latest is the superlative of late. adj You use latest to describe something that is the most recent thing of its kind. 3 adj You can use latest to describe something that is very new and modern and is better than older things of a similar kind.